Performance Management System
FlexiEle’s Talent Management assists any organization in identifying and creating an environment where high performers have the opportunity to thrive and grow within an organization
By providing integrated Competency Management, Goal Setting, Performance Management, Individual Development Plans (IDP) and Learning Management, and Compensation, Rewards and Recognition Planning, these solutions work in concert with one another, and are highly adaptable to meet each organization’s needs

Competency model
- Competency model can be configured against each role and career level in the organization
- These competencies then assigned to employees
- Competency gaps are identified for employee’s current or next career level
- Employee can add new competency, modify proficiency of existing Competency and monitor Competency gap
- Manager can view and monitor approve/reject employee's competency proficiency
Goal Setting
- Admin can set/edit Goals/KRAs of any employee
- Managers can set Goals/KRAs Quarterly/Yearly basis for their team or approve Goals/KRAs set by the team
- Managers can cascade Goals/KRAs to the team on the basis of Organizational->Department->Team->Individual Goals/KRAs
- Skip Manager can Approve Goals/KRAs for employees
- Employees can set their Goals/KRAs Quarterly/Yearly as required along with weightage against each Goal/KRA

Appraisal Cycle
- Allows to configure multiple cycles from monthly to annual
- Allows to configure multiple appraisal templets based on career level or department
- Allows to define timelines for each steps and set notifications for completion of tasks related to appraisal cycle
- Employees can self rate on each KRA & competencies during appraisal
- Admin can add/modify any reviewer in appraisal process
- Managers can rate their team on each KRA & competencies during and capture feedback or comments
- Skip Manager can provide overall rating for employee during appraisal and enter their feedback or comments
- Employee can track their feedback status
- Scores are calculated based on weightage set against each KRA
- Admin can set final rating for any employee
- Allows dialogue and closure of appraisal cycle with defined next steps
Objectives and key results [OKR]
- In case organization follows OKR structure, employees can set their Objectives & Key Results along with weightage against each objective
- Employees can update their percentage progress on a time to time basis for each OKR
- Managers can approve/reject Objectives &Key Results set by the employee or edit it
- Manager can update their percentage progress on a time to time basis for each OKR
- Skip Managers can approve/reject Objectives & Key Results set by the employee
- Skip Manager can track the OKR of employee

Individual Development Plan [IDP]
- Employees can define their Individual Development Plan for current designation & role as well as for aspiring designation & role
- Individual Development Plan [IDP] is linked with LMS module
- Managers can define IDP for current designation &role as well as for aspiring designation & Role for their team as well as manager can approve/reject IDP set by the team
- Managers can evaluate an employee on each line item in IDP of the employee
- Skip manager can approve IDP for employee and also can give ratings and comments
- Admin can define IDP and track progress of any employee
Performance Improvement Plan [PIP] & Promotions
- Manager can define PIP of their team
- Admin can define PIP [Performance Improvement Plan] and track progress of any employee
- Manager can provide Interim Rating (in mid of PIP) & Final Rating (at end of PIP) against each line item
- Skip Manager can approve/reject PIP of an employee and add comments and can track the progress and performance of employee
- Manager can recommend an employee for Promotion by filling a feedback form as justification
- Skip Manager can Approve/Reject employee's Promotion request raised by Manager on the basis of Justification provided

Post Appraisal Analysis
- Admin can download reports & charts for each process in PMS module
- Nine Box Matrix - FlexiEle PMS provides a matrix tool that is used to evaluate and plot a company's talent pool based on two factors, which most commonly are performance and potential
- Nine (9) Box Grid can be used for the Succession Planning
- Bell Curve Appraisal – FlexiEle PMS provides a systematic way to identify the star performers and to link their performance with appropriate reward
- Helps the HR department to identify the low performing employees and further help them to improve their performances
Compensation Revision
- FlexiEle PMS management and HR leaders to use tool for salary hike and distribution across employees
- It allows calculation based on weightage and formula for department or organization level revision