Manager and employee having a positive performance appraisal discussion.

Appraisal Anxiety? Here’s How You Can Build A Culture of Growth Together

Performance Appraisal is the key role of the performance management system as it evaluates the performance of employees and ties the organization together. The past work and future expectations for improvement determine performance appraisal. The appraisal result helps the employees determine where they need to improve their skills. Modern Vs Traditional Method of Performance Appraisal …

Appraisal Anxiety? Here’s How You Can Build A Culture of Growth Together Read More »

The Power of Lifelong Learning: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Learning Culture in 2023

Science says that lifelong learning is the key to having a healthy mind and cognitive functioning. When applied to an organizational context, learning future-proofs your company against any potential technology, socio-economic and industry changes that may befall.  Looking at learning from a human resource perspective, you realize it’s inevitable to engage, inspire and push your …

The Power of Lifelong Learning: The Ultimate Guide to Creating a Learning Culture in 2023 Read More »

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